49 of 365
Today I realized that I have been kind of negative and talking about others behind their backs. I'm normally not like this I just think it's the stress I have been under. I'm tired of this, I want to stop being gossipy and negative. Cause all it does is bring me down. I pray that God will surround me as I speak and my words can be uplifting and encouraging to others....I'm no better than anyone else. I'm gonna love others for who they are, which wont always be easy so if I have a negative attitude or something....tell me!
This evening was a lot of fun, I went out to eat with Sarah, Lisa and Jordan. I have been so busy I haven't really hung out with friends and I need to get out of the house more now that I'm not as busy!
I'm am really excited for tomorrow. Me, AJ, and Cody are going to Yale University to shoot some interiors!
This photo was taken with a Canon 5D and a 135 f2 lens...which is a really sweet lens!
Trevor, you amaze me...and challenge me. Thanks. I also really enjoyed your Yale library photos. Really nice work.