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I am really enjoying being home! Today I took photos for the wrestling team since they placed 6th in the state, I also took photos of the state qualifiers, and 4 year seniors. ...I wasn't supposed to take the team photo b/c Bill Smith has a contract with Elmwood but he didn't show up, so I took all the photos.
I really enjoyed seeing all the wrestlers, I helped coach the past 3 years and I have became good friends with a lot of them and I look forward to being home the next wrestling season!
Being the wrestling room brings back a lot of good memories, I really miss competing! I was around wrestling since I was 3 years old, I started wrestling when I was 5 and this is the 1st year I haven't wrestled or coached and it feels weird. I hated missing the state tournament, we had four qualifiers, the team took 6th, Alex Betts took 2nd and Nick Goeble was a undefeated state champ, 1st ever in Elmwood history!! Elwood has a great wrestling tradition and I am proud to be part of it!!
I was a 3 time state qualifier, 1 time placer. 163 career high school wins and 104 of those were pins! If you wrestled I'd love to here about it!! let me know : )
This image was taken with a Nikon D3/14-24mm by my Dad....who is the Elmwood Head Coach.